Fieldays Innovation Awards finalists announced

The Fieldays Innovation Awards finalists have been announced.
The finalists for the 2024 Fieldays Innovation Awards have been announced across four categories. 20 out of 63 participants have made it to the final stage of judging, and a step closer to a share of a total prize package of cash, services, and products worth more than $70,000 to help launch or accelerate their new product.
Showcased at the Fieldays 2024 Innovation Hub, the Awards are the ultimate launch platform for primary innovation in New Zealand and a globally renowned awards programme. Judged by a panel of 15 sector experts who represent a wide range of experience from around the NZ innovation eco-system, this year's Awards promise to showcase some of the most innovative ideas and technologies in line to launch into the agricultural industry.
The finalists' (and all participants) innovations can be viewed at the Fieldays Innovation Hub at Mystery Creek, Hamilton between 12 – 15 June. Additionally, the Fieldays Innovation Trail layer can be turned on in the Fieldays App to explore Innovation Awards entries at the exhibitor’s sites.
"We are so thankful to our sponsors - AWS, Sprout Agritech, NZME, Gait International, King Street Advertising, and Blender Design for continuing to support the Fieldays Innovation Awards and promote the groundbreaking work coming out of this country,” said Chappell.
Finalists in their award categories are:
Young Innovator
Iona College – Wool Be Studying, Havelock North
St Paul’s Collegiate School – Clean Milk Catcher, Hamilton
St Paul’s Collegiate School – Kiwi Beam Solutions, Hamilton
St Peter’s Cambridge – Ag Recruit, Cambridge
St Peter’s Cambridge – Mark-It, Cambridge
CM Safety Ltd - "HOOD" Head On Object Deflector, Te Puke
Daisy Lab, Auckland
Fleecegrow, Auckland
Kiwi-Econet, Riverton
The Experiment Company Ltd - DiffuZone Imaging, Taupō
Envico, Tauranga
KiwiFibre, Christchurch
NZ Auto Traps - AT520-AI, Whakatane
Vertex Engineers – UVEX, Hamilton
Water Siphon, Auckland
Growth & Scale
Fleetpin Limited – Safetrax, Christchurch
Halter, Auckland
MSD Animal Health – SenseHub®️ Dairy, Hamilton
Robotics Plus, Tauranga
WoolAid, Auckland
Read about all Fieldays Innovation Awards participants here.

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