Health and safety
Everything you need to know to be safe on the event site.
Includes resources, health and safety induction requirements, cable lanes and digging, processes, council regulations, your responsibilities, and what to do in an emergency.

Forms and Deadlines
Type | Form name | Status | Due |
Compulsory | Site Plan and Hazard Identification/Management Form | Open | 24 April 2025 |
Planning and preparation
Health and Safety Induction
All exhibitors and their contractors must complete the Health and Safety Induction before entering the event site during the pack-in and pack-out period, and it cannot be completed on behalf of somebody else.
- Induction is not required for those only entering the event site on event days
- The Health and Safety Induction can be completed from April onward by texting the word ‘safety’ to 540, you will receive a reply with a link to the induction.
- You will need to complete a new induction each year.

Before arriving on-site
As well as the Health and Safety Induction, Exhibitors need to complete the Site Plan and Hazard Identification/Management Form in the Exhibitor Portal. This must be completed no later than 13 May 2025. To complete these forms, you need to assess the following for potential risks and advise us how you are going to manage these:
- Site layout
- Site pack-in
- Your exhibition on event days
- Site pack-out
Building and marquee placement
For all exhibitors:
All exhibitors must provide at least one dry powder extinguisher of a minimum 2kg capacity per 200m² of floor area. Each extinguisher must be mounted near an exit, be clearly marked with approved signage and be visible within the marquee or building
Outdoor Exhibitor marquees of 300m² or larger must also ensure an accessible evacuation alarm is installed along with directional signage to exits
Any displays intruding onto walkways or roads that are not part of the assigned site boundary are prohibited.
For Outdoor Exhibitors and Food Vendors:
Temporary buildings and marquees must be situated at least 0.5m from site boundaries, or at such a distance as may be determined by the Building Control Officer at Waipa District Council
Decks higher than 1m above ground level with public access require complying handrails installed
Outdoor signs must be fixed using bolts or screws. Using nails to fix signs is prohibited.
It is recommended you consult the Site Measurement Map before finalising your site design. This satellite imagery map shows the individual measurements on all outdoor sites.
- Maintaining the security of your products and your team’s personal items is an important aspect to consider when planning your site
- While all reasonable security and safety precautions are taken, the Society shall not be held liable for loss or damage to Exhibitors’ property while on the Fieldays Site
- All items you bring on-site are your responsibility and need to be covered by your insurance
- Arrange for your products to be stored securely during the pack-in period
Before the event
- Our dedicated security team will be on-site from Monday 5 May and patrol during the pack-in period
- Exhibitor gates are patrolled, and persons checked in and out of the venue
- Arrange for a staff member to meet, check and sign for your freight delivery
During the event
- Provide a secure place within your site for your on-site team to store personal items
- Visitors must leave the exhibition area immediately at 5pm Wednesday – Friday and 4pm Saturday
- Immediately close at the end of each event day and secure your site before exiting the venue
- Lock small items away and secure larger items at night
- There are security cameras operating in selected areas
We strongly recommend exhibitors:
- Take out their own personal and other appropriate insurance covering their displays, employees, and unforeseen events
- Arrange adequate General (Public) Liability Insurance. The amount and level of cover is to be determined by you. The Society, or our insurers, may seek recovery from an exhibitor if they believe any loss/damage to our property is a result of an exhibitor’s negligence
Fire evacuation processes
Coming soon.
Building and fire safety
Waipa District Council have granted exemption for a need to obtain building permit approval for the placement of any tent or temporary building over 30m² in area, platform, or seat over 1m and any structure, pole etc., up to 7m in height.
The council will, however, continue to complete inspections on the siting of marquees, fire safety requirements, signage, and structures to ensure they comply with the Building Code. Inspections will begin at least one week before the event.
Oversized buildings and loads (Outdoor Exhibitors only)
- Maximum width for buildings or loads onto the site is 8.2m
- Transportable buildings require solid packers under the bearers (not wedges).
- Any packing higher than 600mm will require the building to be braced to the satisfaction of Waipa District Council.
Fires and heaters
- Braziers are only permitted on outdoor sites, where the brazier is sited on a mounting tray. All braziers are to be fully extinguished each day by 5pm. i.e. no burning embers are to be left
- Live solid fuel heater displays shall comply with the following conditions:
- Fixed protective screening/railing must be placed no less than 500mm from the face of the fireplace
- If the railing is not fixed down, then it must be 750mm from the face of the fireplace
- The top of the rail needs to be at least 900mm from the floor
- Fire must be fully extinguished each day by 5pm, i.e., no embers are to be left - The site must have personnel always servicing any running appliances
- Exhibitors using a gas heater inside any type of structure must ensure it is well ventilated
- Heaters must be at least 1m from marquee walls unless protected with an approved firewall
- Hay bales are permitted providing the exhibitor can provide documented evidence of the treatment with fire retardant. Loose straw, hay, flammable fluids, bituminous building paper, and crepe paper are prohibited
- Areas with highly combustible items, i.e. hay bales or similar, also include the following conditions:
- No open fires, braziers or solid fuel heaters
- Gas patio heaters or similar are to be located at a distance that is greater than either the height of the heater or, one meter
- Plastic film and reinforced plastics are not recommended
- Polystyrene is permitted for letter work only, restricted to approximately 20% of wall area in display. Sheets of polystyrene will not be permitted
- No paper in sheet form is to be used (maximum size A1)
- Any cloth used in backdrops, ceilings, and the like, must be an approved type and treated with a fire retardant
- Wool cloth is recommended and is very durable to constant re-use (50% or more wool content)
- If using cooking or heating appliances, approval must be obtained from Waipa District Council.
Emergency procedures
The Exhibitor Emergency Procedure Form must be printed, completed and displayed on your site during the entire event.
This provides your team with information about what to do in an emergency such as:
- Fire
- Medical emergency
- Flood
- Earthquake
- Chemical spill/release
- Bomb threat
- Police alert
- Property damage
If you discover a fire or other emergency that may present a potential hazard to yourself and/or other attendees:
- Remain calm and call for help
- Fire only - activate the nearest manual alarm call point (If located in your area)
- Dial 111 and report the emergency to the Fire Department
- Report the incident immediately to the Fieldays Information Centre on 07 843 4497 for both emergency and non-emergency assistance Alternatively, visit the Fieldays Information Centre, the NZ Police base or the St John medical room, all located in the services building on the corner of E Street and V Road
- If applicable and if it is safe to do so, attend to any casualties and provide reassurance
- If required evacuate the area
Assembly areas
Make your way to the nearest road clear of any immediate danger and follow the warden or first responders’ instructions to move to a safe assembly point.
Emergency services contacts
Our address: | Gate 2, 125 Mystery Creek Road, Ōhaupō (nearest intersection is corner of Airport Road and Mystery Creek Road). |
Emergency services on site: | Police: Tuesday 10 June – Saturday 14 June |
St John Ambulance: Monday 9 June – Sunday 15 June | |
Fire and Emergency: Wednesday 11 June – Saturday 14 June |
Important links
Digging Map – Use this map to ascertain if a site needs sign-off before digging/pegging
Hazardous Substances Register – complete and add to the Hazard Identification & Management Form*
Exhibitor Emergency Procedure Form - complete and display on your event site
LPG Bottle Checklist Fieldays Form – complete and add to the Hazard Identification & Management Form*
Site Measurement Map – satellite imagery showing measurements on all outdoor sites

Safety during pack-in
Standard health and safety processes
Pack-in and pack-out times are deemed HIGH RISK and the entire site is classed as a construction site.
The following is mandatory for anyone involved in pack-in and pack-out activities:
Appropriate clothing
- High-visibility clothing and closed-toe shoes must be worn at all times during pack-in and pack-out
- High-visibility clothing can be purchased at the Gate 1 induction marquee if required
- Access to site is not permitted without the appropriate clothing.
Marquees, tents, and buildings (not relevant for Indoor Exhibitors) must be built at least 0.5m away from site boundaries, giving a total of 1m between neighbouring marquees. This is to meet Waipa District Council building compliance regulations designed to minimise the risk of fire spreading. (not relevant for ‘Indoor Exhibitors’)
Edge or fall-protection must always be used when working above 2m off the ground.
Cover tent pegs and other tripping hazards need to be painted a fluorescent colour for visibility.
15km/h On-site speed limit - A strict 15km/h speed limit applies on-site, including all gate entrances.
Cable lanes (not relevant for Indoor Exhibitors)
- Are marked by parallel red lines on the ground
- Should always kept clear of vehicles and boxes
- House plumbing and live power cables.
- Call 07 843 4497 prior to any ground penetration on a red site.
- On-site power distribution boards must only be accessed by our on-site electricians.
Machinery must be operated and displayed within safe practices.
No children or dogs - Children (under 16 years) and dogs are not permitted access to site during pack-in and pack-out.
No alcohol - It is prohibited for anyone except those holding approved catering alcohol licences to bring any alcohol onto the site at any time before, during or after the event.
Cable lanes and ground penetration
Do not dig, drill or peg between parallel red lines. Live power cables are located underground throughout our site, so it is compulsory for you to contact us before you dig, drill or peg.
Mark the ground, then call us to arrange approval to proceed.
Exhibitors on red sites must call the Fieldays team on 07 843 4497 before penetrating the ground.
Before you dig/drill/peg
Exhibitors on red sites must call the Fieldays team on 07 843 4497 before penetrating the ground. Digging map
Site colour key
Please check your site colour and make sure you adhere to the below guidelines:

Fieldays has a zero-harm policy
Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015, we all have a legal responsibility to provide a safe environment for everyone working at our event.
If you see something unsafe or that has the potential to cause harm on site, you must notify the event team immediately on 07 843 4497.
Mandatory safety checks
- Download, complete and display the Exhibitor Emergency Procedure Form on your site
- Hay bales must be treated with a fire retardant
- Signage must be secured with bolts or screws, not nails
- Ensure braziers, open fires, and naked flames are approved, secure, and always guarded
– all fires and embers must be extinguished by 5pm - Hot surfaces must be securely guarded with no public access
- Gas cylinders must have a current date stamp certification
- A minimum of one 2kg dry powder extinguisher must be available on your site
- Isolate sharp and moving objects with barriers
- All machinery operated and displayed within safe practices
- Hydraulic equipment: Where booms or equipment are raised hydraulically for display purposes and are subject to gravitational forces, mechanical stops need to be installed to eliminate the risk of hydraulic cylinder failure (required even if load lock valves are fitted)
Managing site and event compliance
Site and signage compliance as well as efficient Fieldays services, is an important part of creating a successful exhibiting experience for all. If you are unsure or have any concerns/questions, please contact the Customer Team on 07 843 4497 or Please double-check if unsure as changes are easier to make before you start your build.
- The Fieldays team check site plans provided by exhibitors pre-event to try and pick up any compliance issues before builds start
- On-site ground checks are completed, and exhibitors will be notified where there is a problem with site/signage and if changes need to be made to the build
- During setup, in-event and post-event there are roaming Fieldays staff and site assistance volunteers available. Any issues with compliance or Fieldays services can be reported through these teams or by contacting the office on the above details
Vehicle movement and speed
- You must always adhere to the 15km speed limit when driving on the event site
- Standard road rules apply when driving within the Site
- During event hours, vehicles of any kind may only be ridden in demonstrations on exhibitor sites or in designated/pre-approved areas
- You must obtain permission for ATV use on your site if needed
- All ATV, motorbike and quad bike riders must be trained and wear a helmet as well as a seat belt
- Do not carry passengers on tractors, quadbikes, or ATVs
- Seat belts must be worn when driving, including ATV’s
Use of on-site roadways during pack-in and pack-out
- Storing equipment, supplies and/or stock on any roadway is prohibited.
- Vehicles may temporarily park out the front of their allocated site, provided this does not obstruct the roadway or prevent access for other vehicles to pass safely.
Safety during pack-out
Final event day
You must ensure your site remains fully set up, manned, and trading until 4pm, Saturday 14 June.
- From 4pm on Saturday 14 June 2025 Exhibitors should remove as much of their displays as they can, as quickly and safely as possible
- Secure any equipment or products to be left on-site during pack-out
- Public access is not permitted after 4pm. Refer to the Freight, delivery and collection section for post-event freight options
- All items must be removed from your Site before your pack-out deadline
The sooner your exhibit is broken down, the less likely there will be unauthorised removal or theft of exhibit items. Implement vigilance during this period and do not leave products on your site unattended or leave vehicles unsecured.
Reinstating your site after Fieldays
Exhibitors are required to take all steps to ensure their site is cleared and reinstated to its original condition within the designated pack-out time.
Any exhibitor who does not reinstate their site by the pack-out deadline may be charged for the work incurred by the organisers, as well as Late Removal Penalty Fees, and the potential for future applications to exhibit being declined.
Reinstatement within the designated pack-out time includes, but is not limited to:
- Removal of all stock, equipment, decorations, building materials
- All rubbish must either be removed or bagged ready for collection
- This includes but is not limited to nails, cable ties, food and packaging
- Cardboard can be broken down and stacked for collection
- Larger building materials, or hazardous substances must be removed by you and not left with other rubbish for collection - Removal of all landscaping materials
- All holes filled with sand and compacted with 200mm topsoil
Late removal penalties
All items must be transported from your site, by you, or your designated freight transporter, before the pack-out deadline. Exhibitors are liable for penalties if their sold items remain on site after the deadline.
At the pack-out deadline, if any items remain on the property, you may be liable for any legal costs, plus site rental of $100 + GST per day per site occupied until the items are removed. This is regardless of whether they have been sold and awaiting collection by a freight transporter.
- Exhibitors are responsible for any items left and awaiting collection during pack-out.
- You must ensure all items are properly packaged, clearly labelled and collection is booked for prior to the pack-out deadline.